2024 TOYS FOR TOTS Drive Success
NWCSA would like to express its sincere gratitude to Members who donated to Operation TOYS FOR TOTS 2024. Special thanks to Senior Master Sergeant David Miller USAF/CTANG (Ret), who collected donations for distribution. Good morning, Toys for Tots and the Northwestern Sportsmen's Association had an amazing effect in a good way for our local community. Myself and Laura Jensen (gf) picked up >10 bags of toys (0830) today [...]
2024 CSRRA Junior Small Bore Rifle ‘President’s Match’
Summary and photos submitted by: David Hyatt Match Date: Sunday October 6th, 2024 Competitors: 28 This was NWCSA's 2nd Annual Small Bore Rifle Match known as the “President's Match" and is comprised of seven (7) separate matches in one day, from 50 yards, 50 Meters and at 100 Yards. Total round count was 160, not counting 'sighters'. It was a wonderfully sunny fall day. The weather was perfect [...]
NWCSA Merchandise
NWCSA Merchandise is available to current Members. Online ordering and shipping is not available at this time. How to Order Order Forms: blank forms are located on the left side of the merchandise display case in the NWCSA Clubhouse Submissions: follow instructions on the form and leave in the marked folder attached to the display case Fulfillment Orders are fulfilled from current inventory as available Styles, sizes or colors [...]
14th Annual Jack Perretti Memorial Trap Shoot Results
Summary and photos submitted by: Jason Marshall Hello all Trap Shooters, Well, we had another wonderful Sunday to shoot the Perretti Memorial this year. There were 22 shooters, forming 11 two-person teams, shooting two round of 25 shells at 16 yards and two rounds at 24 yards. Lead-off shooters switched places between each round. As you will see by the scores (images below), the longer yardage and the [...]
2024 NWCSA Kids Fishing Derby Smiles
NWCSA hosted the 2024 Kids Fishing Derby with a freshly stocked pond, free food and beverages, and prizes awarded for the largest fish caught! Parents/guardians were on hand for guidance, but fish had to be landed by the kids! As our photo submissions reveal, the kids' plans were successful. A big shout out to our Participants for making time to enjoy our outdoor activities! Note: if you have [...]
2024 CT Air National Guard 103rd Air Wing Trap Shoot
NWCSA hosted members of the CT Air National Guard (103rd Air Wing), for a military appreciation Trap Shoot on April 27, 2024. David Miller, SMSgt Retired noted that everyone enjoyed a beautiful day!
2023 NWCSA Sportsman of the Year!
NWCSA president, Tom Andersen, presented long-time member Seamus Muzzulin the prestigious 'Sportsman of the Year' award during the 97th Annual Club Banquet (April 19, 2024). Congratulations Seamus!
NWCSA Seminar Recording | HB #6667 ‘An Act Addressing Gun Violence’
On March 10th, 2024, Greg Miller Esq. presented a regulations update regarding Connecticut House Bill #6667 'An Act Addressing Gun Violence', to prepare NWCSA Membership for the April 30th, 2024 deadline. Greg specializes in Firearms Law and with his permission, we offer this featured recording for everyone to review and share. Due to the length of the recording, it is presented here in two parts. About Gregory J [...]
2024 Shooting Outdoor and Military Expo
Some Outdoor and Military Expo 2024 is the largest SOME Trade Show in Connecticut! Free Appraisals Helicopter Rides Historical Educational Displays Vintage Military Vehicles and Aircraft Ample Free Parking When: May 4 (9:AM to 5:PM) & May 5 (9:AM to 2:PM) Where: Robertson Airport - 62 Johnson Ave Plainville, CT 06062 Admission: $10 - Free for kids with adult and Active Duty Military personnel **Show/bring attached flyer for $1 off [...]
CT ‘Assault Weapons’ Registration Deadline is April 30, 2024
Effective June 14, 2023, the Connecticut House Bill #6667 added 'Others' and 'Pre-94 Pre-bans' to the definition of an Assault Weapon. Law-abiding citizens in possession of these firearms must register them with the CT State Special Licensing and Firearms Unit, and receive an Assault Weapons Certificate. Firearms now called 'assault weapons' in CT include: ALL AR style firearms, and AK style firearms, and 'Other' center-fire caliber firearms It [...]
Harwinton Rod & Gun Club – Get Together
Submitted by Mike Fusco Harwinton Rod & Gun Club - HRG Get Together. This has always been a fun gathering where we share photos (outings, trail cams, etc), stories, mounts and raffle prizes. Our guest speaker this year is a Master Wildlife Conservationist discussing Connecticut Black Bears. Wildlife Displays (see set-up) Appetizers, Food, Desert (while supplies last) Bucket Raffle Cash Bar + Coffee, Water Date: March 16th, 2024 [...]
Naugatuck Pomperaug Trout Unlimited Announces CT DEEP Roundtable
Gary Zrelak, Vice President of Naugatuck-Pomperaug chapter #281, is excited to announce that NPTU will host multiple branches from the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environment Protection - DEEP - as part of their February Chapter Meeting. Each branch will present news and updates, followed by an interactive, roundtable discussion. Date: Wednesday February 7, 2024 Doors Open: 6:30pm Program: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Location: Beacon Falls Senior Center - [...]
2023 NWCSA Fall Trap League was a Slider!
Submitted by: Jason Marshall We tried something different this year! The Fall Trap League was organized as a 'Slider' League with alternating league and non-league squads. I think it took every shooter out of their comfort zone, which is a good thing, and the feedback from shooters was positive. We all have a great time. Although scores were lower than usual (we were shooting from varying yardages), this [...]
2024 Northwestern CT Trout Unlimited Annual Game Dinner
Northwestern CT Trout Unlimited presents The 2024 Annual Game Dinner & Silent Auction Join NWCSA in support of NWCTU Chapter #009, and enjoy a delicious 4-course Game dinner, great conversation, plus prizes, prizes, prizes!. Trout Unlimited chapters cannot raise money through membership fees, so this fundraiser directly supports all their efforts. Featuring Silent Auction Family Style Game Dinner Sweepstakes Prizes, Prizes, Prizes Date: Saturday, February 3, 2024 Time: [...]
23rd Annual Sportsman’s Banquet and Auction Fundraiser
The Northwest CT Sportsman’s Conservation Land Trust in conjunction with Northwest CT Sportsman’s Council present The 23rd Annual Fundraising Banquet & Auction Join NWCSA to support Northwest CT Sportsmen, Conservation, and Responsible Firearms Ownership. Funds will be used to benefit the Cultural Sporting Heritage we all enjoy! Featuring Silent and Live Auctions Fine Firearms Sporting Art Unique Collectibles Special Raffle and Door Prizes Date: Friday, February 23, 2024 [...]
2023 TOYS FOR TOTS Drive Success
NWCSA would like to express our sincere gratitude to all who donated during our Toys for Tots drive. Although we didn't get an official count, your donations filled 10 large yard bags in less than 2 weeks! Senior Master Sergeant David Miller USAF/CTANG (Ret) delivered to Friends in Service to Humanity, Torrington CT (FISHNWCT) and to the Marine Forces Reserve, Plainville CT. We want to thank both organizations [...]
Holiday Fly Fishing Breakfast and Sales Event
Courtesy Post Join Black Hall Outfitters for their Holiday Fly-Fishing Breakfast and Sale event on Saturday, December 16th from 9 AM to 1 PM! Featuring fly-tying demonstrations from Fred Monahan, Paul Dinice, Bill Goebeng, Chris Parisi, and Ray Ramos, as well as casting clinics, refreshments, and a meet and greet with representatives from Trout Unlimited as well as many of our partner brands. In addition, everything in the [...]
2023 TOYS FOR TOTS Holiday Drive
HELP NWCSA FILL SANTA'S SLEIGH The Marine Toys for Tots Program is America's flagship children's Christmastime charity and NWCSA is proud to serve as a quick and easy drop-off location for New, Unwrapped toy donations. Make this Holiday Merry & Bright for Young Girls and Boys in our community! DROP-OFF Open through 9:30AM on Saturday December 9th, 2023 Members: please leave toys in the Main Clubhouse Non-Members: our [...]
Turkey Shoot October 20, 2023
Photos by Chris Kirkness I know nothing about Turkey Shoots, but this October 20th group of shooters were clearly enjoying themselves. Thanks to Bill Harris and the shooters for allowing this photo opportunity. Click on any photo below to open the entire photo gallery. [...]
IDPA Final Match 2023
A stunning NW CT fall day met our Action Pistol shooters on October 20th, for the final 2023 IDPA Match. And a full contingent of shooters stepped up to a host of challenging stages. The NWCSA Action Pistol Committee extends its appreciation to all 2023 IDPA Match participants, especially those who tried AP for the first time. A very special thank you to the AP Safety Officers and [...]
13th Annual Jack Perretti Memorial Trap Shoot
Summary and photos submitted by: Jason Marshall Well, we had another real nice day for this shoot. It was another windy day as usual for NW CT which made things a bit more challenging. We had a light turn out with only two partial team squads. Congrats to the team of Mike Truss and Walt Whitbeck who won this years "Wipe Your Eye" event. Their names will go on the [...]
NWCTU Offers Beginner’s Fly Tying Workshop Series
Learn about Fly Tying in the NWCTU Beginner's Workshop series starting Jan 20th, 2024 If you are at least twelve years old, you can take the class. Students between the ages of 12-18 must be accompanied by an adult student (18 or older) or parent. The student-to-teacher ratio for this class is 3 -1. You'll gain experience with each class, tying flies such as: San Juan Worm Woolly [...]
47th Annual Robert Nash Memorial Trap Shoot
This event was mistakenly omitted from the 2023 NWCSA Calendar. We apologize for the confusion. Summary and photos submitted by: Jason Marshall Thanks to all who participated in this great shoot. We had nice weather, although it was a bit windy as usual for NW CT. Special thanks to Dave Martin who ran the shoot and to Sean Fitzpatrick for working the grill. A Big Congrats to Mike [...]
Youth Pheasant Hunt
Investing in the Future of Shooting Sports and Conservation The effort NWCSA makes today will have little impact without future Sportsmen and conservation leaders taking a stand for wildlife habitat conservation. The Youth Pheasant Hunt is focused on helping a new generation discover a passion for hunting and the outdoors! As an introduction to hunting, teaching individuals the importance of firearm safety, conservation and outdoor ethics, eEach youth [...]
IDPA Safety Officer Training Course
Support the International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA)! IDPA Safety Officers manage all aspects of the NWCSA Action Pistol Program (and similar programs around the country), providing challenging shooting stages and a safe environment for our Action Pistol Shooters. If you've ever thought about becoming an IDPA Safety Officer, please consider joining the Sprague Rod & Gun training course. When: October 29, 2023 Where: Sprague Rod & Gun - [...]
Annual Tag Sale & Family Picnic
What a great day for the NWCSA Tag Sale and Family Picnic! The Big Top tent was set up on the Rifle Range Friday, and all the benches were moved to accommodate traffic. Good thing, because every table under the tent and every bench under the Rifle House awning was filled! Following a successful morning of sales, volunteers moved chairs and proceeded to setup the delicious 'sides' for [...]
IDPA Veterans Charity Match
Our IDPA Veteran’s Charity Match held Sept 15 & 16 was a resounding success. We started the day with Mike Thomas (in full Navy uniform) giving a brief presentation on the mission of the Torrington Veteran’s Service Office and how they provide financial aid to military veterans. Then, 55 shooters broke into squads to shoot through 9 challenging stages setup on Action Pistol Pits, Pistol Range, and Pistol [...]
Bullseye 900 Match Summary 2023
Real Shooters Use One Hand By David Hyatt - VP CSRRA Well the Summer is over, along with the 2nd annual NWCSA Bullseye 900 Matches. 2023 has been a good year so far. We've had shooters from all over the state of Connecticut and a few shooters from Massachusetts and Vermont as well. We recorded four (4) Civilian Marksmanship Program pistol matches this summer. The scores and a [...]
NRA Range Safety Officer Course
Open to all NWCSA Members and direct family The NRA Range Safety Officer Course teaches the basic duties a Range Safety Officer performs. It provides a thorough introduction to: The role of the Range Safety Officer (RSO) Range Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Range safety briefings, inspections and rules Emergency procedures How to clear firearms stoppages and correct malfunctions The course also introduces various types of firearms actions, including [...]
Situational Awareness and Defending Yourself
Following the success and enthusiasm for the April US LawShield workshop, NWCSA is pleased to host Situational Awareness and Defending Yourself on 10/28/2023 from 2-6pm. The workshop is open to NWCSA and USLS Members Only! Points of discussion will include: How to read your environment for a potential threat Assessing your options for personal safety Reacting effectively and efficiently When: 10/28/2023 Where: NWCSA Main Clubhouse Time: 2pm to [...]
Ducks Unlimited 45th Annual Banquet Fundraiser
NWCSA Courtesy Post Housatonic Chapter Ducks Unlimited 45th Annual Banquet & Fundraiser When: Friday September 8, 2023 Where: Heritage Hotel, Golf, Spa & Conference Center (Garden Room) 522 Heritage Road Southbury CT Time: Doors Open at 6:30pm Details/Tickets: Link Help the Housatonic Chapter Celebrate 45 years of conservation at the Heritage Hotel, Golf, Spa and Conference Center for another fun filled event with a Live Auction, Silent Auction, [...]
Be Aware – Phishing Scams at NWCSA
We all get email that fill our inboxes every day. Hopefully most of it is useful communication with friends, family, and businesses, but there are bound to be spam and phishing emails as well. Spam is unsolicited and unwanted email that is usually an advertisement from a legitimate business. Spam is an annoyance but is usually harmless. If unwanted just delete the email or if it is from [...]
Hunting Walk Through Sat Sept 2, 2023
For Members Only Any member who plans to hunt on club property is required to attend a briefing and walk-through. Members who have met this requirement are also welcome to join. When: Saturday September 2, 2023 Where: Main Clubhouse Time: 8AM 'sharp' (estimate is 3.5-4 hrs) Plan accordingly: boots, water, snacks, bug repellent, hat, walking stick, etc.
3D Archery Shoot and More – Sunday August 20th, 2023
30 3D Targets along a 1.5 mile trail through the woods. Sasquatch 50/50 Shoot- $5/arrow, the more arrows the bigger the winnings! Chef Mark will once again man the grill. No charge, donations appreciated. NO Crossbows or Broadheads (we are in the process of purchasing & installing Crossbow Targets) NO Alcohol or THC products allowed. In addition to our 3D Range, we have installed an Archery Range at [...]
2023 CT Outdoor Smallbore Matches August 26/27 Metacon Gun Club
2023 Connecticut Outdoor Smallbore NRA Conventional 3-Position Regional Open to all competitors. NRA and club membership not required Date: Saturday, August 26, 2023 Location: Metacon Gun Club. 106 Nod Road Weatogue, CT Time: 8AM – Registration, 9AM – Relay One, 10AM- Relay Two Rule: Current NRA smallbore rifle rules will govern 2023 Connecticut Outdoor Smallbore NRA Conventional Prone Regional Open to all competitors. NRA and club membership not [...]
3D Archery Shoot – a Success Story
A letter of recognition was received by the Archery Committee from participants of the June 4th 3D Archery Shoot. Not only is it a gratifying note of support and encouragement for the volunteers, it highlights a great family outing and youth involvement at NWCSA. Thank you CJ and 'The Boys', for sharing your experience. Good evening Tracie, I hope this message finds you well. I was at the [...]
Junior Marksmanship Program 06/15/23
June 15th saw perfect conditions to kick-off the NWCSA's first Junior Marksmanship class of 2023. The Association welcomed participants and their assistants*, all eager to experience the enjoyment of Shooting Sports. Following their introduction to range Rules & Safety, the class set out to master basic shooting skills. If the photos below are any indication, everyone was focused on doing their best! Congratulations to our June 15th participants. [...]
Connecticut House Bill 6667 ‘An Act Addressing Gun Violence’
Image via USCCA | usconcealedcarry.com On June 6th, 2023, CT House Bill 6667 - 'An Act Addressing Gun Violence' - was signed into law. Connecticut's Governor won overwhelming passage with a 96-51 vote in the House of Representatives, mainly along party lines. As America's gun divide widens, the most comprehensive piece of gun legislation in the past decade seeks to strengthen some of the strongest gun [...]
Archery Range Improvements
The new Target Archery Field is coming together nicely over on Flagg Hill Road. It has been a huge team effort. As of this past weekend, May 21st, the four 20 yard stands are installed with the new 4x4 foot target butts. This will allow for up to 8 archers to shoot at the same time. The 30 and 40 yard targets and stands are also installed. The [...]
Orvis Free Fly Fishing 101
Orvis in Avon is having Free Fly Fishing 101Class. If you are interested use this link to select a date and register. Ages 12 and up are welcome.Any questions call the store at 860-678-7900.
Annual Sportsman’s Dinner 2023
The 96th Annual NWCSA Sportsman's Dinner was held Friday April 21, 2023 where members were recognized for their contributions and achievements. Enjoy a few photo submissions from the evenings festivities.
Archery Committee Kicks Off Reconstruction Project
Walk through on 4/15, thank you to those who attended. We appreciate your support & hope to see you at future events. So it begins... Thank you & much gratitude to the following- Erick Royer who is unbelievably talented & generous. The new Archery Field is his design. He's allowing the use of his shop, his tools, his time & his trailer to deliver the new target stands. [...]
Tactical Psychology for the Armed Citizen
Hosted by Connecticut State Rifle & Revolver Association Specter Tactical (Military & Law Enforcement Training) presents Tactical Psychology for the Armed Citizen**, a four-hour interactive lecture and workshop. This program introduces the world of the combat mindset so that you can realistically apply it to your self-defense tactics and training. The class will guide you in how you practice, plan, understand and manage your performance under the stress [...]
Northwest CT Rod and Gun Club 2023 Event Schedule
Canaan CT: The Northwest Connecticut Rod and Gun Club, founded in 1946, has released their 2023 Event Schedule to the public. Non-members are welcome to attend their public events and as like-minded sportsman, promoting a safe, family oriented atmosphere, NWCSA is pleased to post a link to their schedule here. Contact the Northwest Connecticut Rod and Gun Club directly with questions or more information about their schedule. [...]
96th Annual Sportsman’s Dinner – Last Call for Tickets
Ticket Sales End Monday April 17th, 2023 Ticket Info Jason Marshall: (203) 983-0696 or by Email Ticket price: Adults=$45, Children 12 & under= $20 Tables of 10: must be pre-paid by April 15th Sales End: Monday April 17th - no door sales Venue Crystal Peak Ballroom 164 Torrington Road Winchester, CT 06094 Door Prizes, Raffles & Awards 6pm-6:45pm Passed Hors d‘oeuvres Spicy Andouille Bruschetta with a Mesquite Barbecue [...]
Archery Committee Receives Reconstruction Budget Approval
Range Improvements Planned Colebrook, CT — The NWCSA Archery Committee received approval at the March Members Meeting, to tackle the clubs aging archery ranges. "The club is well-known for it's 3 archery ranges, but they have suffered countless seasons of wear and tear", said Committee Chair Tracie D. The committee, comprised of member volunteers, was rejuvenated last year and the group immediately set out with plans to revitalize [...]
DEEP ‘The State of the Bears’ Report March 2023
In it annual report released March 2023, The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) analyzes black bear population growth and reveals the number of human/bear conflicts in 2022. Public sightings of bears have been collected by the Wildlife Division since bears began returning to the State in the 1980’s. Today, reports are used as a gauge of the population’s distribution as well as a broad index of where bears [...]
2023 Events Calendar Released
Mark Your Calendars The NWCSA is excited to announce the release of its 2023 Events Calendar! It has activities for every member of the family including; shooting competitions, leagues, training and workshops, youth and women's programs, and more. Non-members take note - many of our events are also open to the public. Looking for events in specific disciplines? Our How to Guide can help narrow your search. Visit the 2023 NWCSA [...]