Effective June 14, 2023, the Connecticut House Bill #6667 added ‘Others’ and ‘Pre-94 Pre-bans’ to the definition of an Assault Weapon. Law-abiding citizens in possession of these firearms must register them with the CT State Special Licensing and Firearms Unit, and receive an Assault Weapons Certificate.

Firearms now called ‘assault weapons’ in CT include:

  • ALL AR style firearms, and
  • AK style firearms, and
  • ‘Other’ center-fire caliber firearms

It also includes pre-ban firearms that did not need to be registered as AW’s until now.

Registration Deadline

April 30, 2024

Registration Process

SFLU Online Registration Portal or by mail using the DPS-414-C Application Form

NWCSA Presentation

The Board has scheduled the law offices of Gregory Miller Esq. (firearms attorney) to present a regulations update, followed by a Q&A session, to help law-abiding members meet the application deadline.