060423 3D Archery Event - Mr Grey and sonsA letter of recognition was received by the Archery Committee from participants of the June 4th 3D Archery Shoot.

Not only is it a gratifying note of support and encouragement for the volunteers, it highlights a great family outing and youth involvement at NWCSA.

Thank you CJ and ‘The Boys’, for sharing your experience.

Good evening Tracie,

I hope this message finds you well. I was at the 3D shoot this morning and met you as I walked through and shot with my two boys. I wanted to say how amazing the event was! One of the best shoots I have been too. They boys and I had an amazing time! Thank you.

I mentioned to you that I recently applied to become a member, and you mentioned that you loved seeing the boys out shooting too. I took some photos and placed them in a Google album rather than emailing them all. Please let me know if you have any issues and please let me know if/when you post them because my boys will get a kick out of it.

Thank you,


Their photo album can be viewed here.