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NWCSA Junior Marksmanship & Safety ProgramDescription

The Junior Marksmanship & Safety Program introduces new shooters, ages 10 through 17, to basic marksmanship (KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, and ATTITUDE) in a safe, disciplined environment.


This program is Free* with No previous experience necessary.

Certified Training Instructors teach basic firearm safety, range safety, and marksmanship fundamentals using .22 caliber target rifles and related materials.

Participants will learn the fundamentals of shooting positions, sight alignment, trigger control, breath control, and proper cleaning & storage.

Important Notes

  • Open to the Public
  • A Parent or Guardian must be present to sign the youth waiver form and help their child during the course
  • Participants may attend more than one date. Although the curriculum is the same, repetition supports knowledge retention and skills improvement


For more information or to register, contact a Youth Marksmanship & Safety Program organizer:

*The Northwestern Connecticut Sportsman’s Association is committed to the promotion firearms safety and the enjoyment of Shooting Sports for future generations. For over 25 years, the association has offered the Junior Marksmanship & Safety program – Free of Charge – to support parents and guardians in our shared goal.

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