NWCSA makes every effort to communicate changes affecting the use of its Facilities, including:
- Open access for members and sponsored guests
- Scheduled access for event participants
Notifications are distributed through the Active and Passive methods described below…
Facility Advisories
Audience: Members, Guests, Event Participants
Method: Passive (user search)
Primary Use: Facility Access Restrictions
Notification: Facility Advisories correlate with scheduled activities including, Events, Work/Service, and Maintenance. View the Calendar, by date, and open each post to view specific information.
Registration: None
Email Notifications
Audience: Event Participants
Method: Active (opt-in)
Primary Use: Changes/Updates to a scheduled event
Notification: Email
Registration: Automatic upon event registration.
*Note: individual organizers determine notification methods at their discretion.
Calendar Updates
Audience: Members, Guests, Event Participants
Method: Passive (user search)
Primary Use: Scheduled Event changes/updates
Notification: Calendar Updates are performed as received. View the Calendar, by date, by event
Registration: None
RainedOut© Notifications
Audience: Members, Guests, Event Participants
Method: Passive (user search)
Primary Use: Unforeseen closures (ie weather) and scheduled meeting changes
Notification: RainedOut Advisories are posted after distribution to registered Members. View the homepage for current RainedOut Notifications.
Registration: None
RainedOut Notification From: Northwestern Connecticut Sportsmen's Association | 2025-03-22 12:10:25 |
Work on the AP Berm completed earlier than anticipated. The Pistol Ranges are now open. |