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New for 2024 – Action Steel Plate Matches – based on Steel Challenge but is not an SCSA sanctioned event.

This club match will challenge shooters with steel targets placed at various distances. Shooters are formed into squads and a squad will shoot a course of fire (stage.) Stages may be based on Steel Challenge, but this is not an SCSA sanctioned event. SCSA stages consists of 5-6 steel targets of varying sizes and placed in varying patterns – the shooters will shoot at the targets 5 times and the worst string is dropped. Other stages may be more ad-hoc and utilize dueling tree, Texas Star, poppers, etc. The purpose of our Action Steel matches is to have fun! You don’t need to be an expert shooter to enjoy it. The targets aren’t that hard to hit, and the bell-like qualities of the steel plates make it fun even if you aren’t the fastest shooter.

The purpose of this match is to have fun! You don’t need to be an expert shooter to enjoy it. The targets aren’t that hard to hit and the bell-like qualities of the steel plates make it fun even if you aren’t the fastest shooter.

Pre-registration and payment via Practiscore required; use link under Details on right.

Please arrive al least 30 minutes before start time to register and gear up.

Course Of Fire

  • Match is divided into two squads, with a squad starting in each pit.
  • Course of fire starts at the low ready, muzzle touching the shooting table, or from holster with wrists below beltline.
  • Safety Officer will use IDPA commands to guide shooter through course of fire.
  • Semi Auto guns will be loaded with 10 rounds and revolvers will be loaded to their max capacity.
  • Each course of fire may be different, so engage each target according to the written stage description. The game is speed v. accuracy. The total amount of time it takes to complete the course of fire is your score. Lower scores are better, like in golf. Each stage is repeated five times for five strings. Your highest score is dropped from each string.


  • Centerfire Pistol (CP)                Any centerfire pistol with iron sights.
  • Centerfire Pistol Optics (CPO) Any centerfire pistol with optical sights.
  • Revolver (REV)                         Any revolver with iron sights.
  • Optical Sight Revolver (REVO) Any revolver with optical sights.
  • Rimfire Pistol (RP)             Any .22LR pistol with iron sights.
  • Rimfire Pistol Optics (RPO) Any .22LR pistol with optical sights.

Recommendations For Match Participants

  • Good eye and ear protection are critical for this match. Also be sure to wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Fragments can come back from the steel. Usually, fragments do not come back fast enough to be anything more than an annoyance, but they have been known to sometimes break skin.
  • You will shoot a minimum of 150 rounds in a 6-stage match. That’s assuming you don’t miss, which you probably will. It’s recommended you bring 300 rounds.
  • It is very helpful to bring five full magazines to the match, or speed loaders if you have a revolver. Have them loaded when you get to the line. You can load magazines behind the shooting line, you just can’t handle or load firearms. If you’re just starting out and don’t have that many, we can pass them off to someone who will help you reload while you’re shooting.
  • It is better to only shoot as fast as you can hit the plates. Misses are costly. Speed will come with experience. Also keep in mind that the missed plate penalty is 3 seconds. So often time it’s better to take the penalty if you are facing a difficult plate.
  • Please do not bring a brand new gun or a recently worked on gun unless you have checked it’s in good working order first. A match is no place to find out something isn’t working with your firearm. If your firearm is found to be malfunctioning in a dangerous manner, you won’t be permitted to continue with it.
  • Be sure you have good muzzle discipline and are good about always keeping your muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Finger must be off the trigger unless your sights are on the target. We can be forgiving of newbies who need to take their time, and don’t know all the ropes, but we do require that you’re always a safe shooter.
  • You’ll be hitting 10″ and 12″ steel targets at distances of 10 to 20 yards. If you can somewhat consistently hit in a 10″ target at 10 yards, you’ll probably be able to do OK in this match. If you struggle to land shots in that radius, you might want to practice a bit before trying our match
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